MPM1D1: Daily Log

Exam Review
Friday, 25 June 2010
room 219

2010–06–15: Our final class! EQAO multiple-choice results. Final questions—and best wishes to a super class for every future success! Homework: A big push to ensure success on the final examination!

2010–06–11: EQAO booklet 2. Homework: Identify issues of concern for final examination.

2010–06–09: EQAO booklet 1—the best administration ever! Homework: Finalize review for exam on Friday.

2010–06–07: EQAO briefing and preparation. Independent work on sample exam. Homework: Finalize review for exams on Wednesday and Friday.

2010–06–03: Detailed review of geometry skills inventory with a worked example of parallel lines and transversals. Homework: Complete chapter 10 and skills inventory. Work sample EQAO exams.

2010–06–01: Detailed review of surface-area and volume question. In-class practice. Distribution of geometry skills inventory. Homework: First half of chapter 10.

2010–05–28: Sixty-second quizzes. Homework: Complete chapter 9.

2010–05–26: Math maturity. Homework review. Quiz: on Section 9.2 on Friday. Homework: Section 9.3.

2010–05–21: EQAO information. Brief overview of measurement unit. [Guest vice-principal.] Homework: Section 9.2, blocks A & B.

2010–05–19: Submission and return of signed tests. Pop quiz on direct and partial variations (point of intersection). Homework: Create and solve two questions on direct and partial variations. Post the questions (but not the answers) on our wiki.

2010–05–17: Review and return of Test 3. Homework: Obtain parent/guardian signature. Progress in chapter 9.

2010–05–13: Test 3: Linear Relations. Homework: Progress in chapter 9.

2010–05–11: Test review with Linear Relations skills inventory. Homework: Prepare for Thursday’s test.

2010–05–07: Party to celebrate our hard work! Homework: Progress in chapter 9.

2010–05–05: Plotting of weight versus height. Drawing the line of best fit. Homework: Section 9.1, Block A, odd questions.

2010–05–03: World Press Freedom Day. Homework review. Test: Thursday, 13 May 2010, on linear relations (chapters 5 & 8). Homework: For each member of your household, record height in centimetres and weight in kilograms. Pages 452–455.

2010–05–03: World Press Freedom Day. Homework review. Test: Thursday, 13 May 2010, on linear relations (chapters 5 & 8). Homework: For each member of your household, record height in centimetres and weight in kilograms. Pages 452–455.

2010–04–29: Homework review. Distance-time graphs. Homework: Section 5.8, pp. 282–285.

2010–04–27: Direct and partial variation: a review. Homework review. Homework: Page 292, questions 1–12.

2010–04–23: Homework review. Homework: Section 5.5, questions 18–28.

2010–04–21: Quiz review. Homework review. Introduction to direct and partial variation. Homework: Read and work section 8.5, pp. 259–264. Answer questions 1–17, p. 265.

2010–04–19: Homework review. Quiz on parallel and perpendicular lines. Review of points of intersection. Homework: Review section 8.7, blocks A & B. Page 445, questions 61–63. Page 446, question 19.

2010–04–19: Homework review. Quiz on parallel and perpendicular lines. Review of points of intersection. Homework: Review section 8.7, blocks A & B. Page 445, questions 61–63. Page 446, question 19.

2010–04–15: Homework review. Special slopes: parallel and perpendicular lines. Homework: Review section 8.6.

2010–04–13: Homework review: pp. 444–445, questions 44–60. Intersecting lines. Homework: Page 441, questions 1–17.

2010–04–09: Homework review. Homework: Complete chapter review, pp. 444–445.

2010–04–07: Linear relations review. Homework: Chapter review, p. 444, sections 8.3 & 8.4.

2010–04–01: Homework collection. Quiz review. Homework: Obtain parent/guardian signature. Review areas where weaknesses identified.

2010–03–30: [Guest teacher.] Homework collection. Independent work on skills inventory: creation of a representative question and a corresponding model answer for each item. Homework: Completion of assignment for submission on Thursday.

2010–03–26: Quiz on linear relations. Homework: Prepare model answers to all quiz questions.

2010–03–24: [Guest teacher.] Independent work on section 8.3:

Homework: Prepare for quiz on linear relations on Friday.

2010–03–22: Review of special slopes: parallel and perpendicular lines. Standard form of a linear relation. Homework: Page 428, questions 39–44: State the line’s slope, y-intercept, and x-intercept. Convert the equation to standard form. State the line’s slope, y-intercept, and x-intercept.

2010–03–11: Homework review. Introduction to special slopes: parallel and perpendicular lines. Homework: Read pages 434–436. Section 8.6, blocks A & B.

2010–03–09: Point-slope form of the equation of a line. Homework: Page 419, questions 35–55: determine the equation of the line in slope–y-intercept form.

2010–03–05: Class held in gym to support The Inside Ride. Homework: None assigned.

2010–03–03: Homework review. Reading information directly from an equation in slope–y-intercept form: slope, y-intercept, x-intercept. Homework: Redo page 418, questions 9–14, reading the x-intercept and y-intercept directly from the equation in y-intercept form; using those points to graph the line; and calculating the slope as rise ÷ run and comparing the result to m.

2010–03–01: René Descartes vignette, courtesy of Graham. Slope as rate of change. Finding the equation of a line in slope–y-intercept form given one point and the slope. Homework: Discussion on our wiki to finalize a fundraising activity for The Inside Ride. Page 418, questions 9–14: rewrite in slope–y-intercept form.

2010–02–25: Homework review. Calculation of first differences. Homework: Discussion on our wiki of fundraising for The Inside Ride. Continue work in chapter 8.

2010–02–23: Do cookies grow on trees? Linear relations: independent variable, dependent variable, domain, range, extrapolation, interpolation, good graphing practice. Homework: Section 5.1, pages 240–245.

2010–02–19: New seating plan. Submission of signed tests. Slippery slope solutions (review of slope exercises in small groups and as a class). Homework: Section 5.3: Graphing linear relations.

2010–02–17: Return and review of Test 2. Homework: Obtain parent/guardian signature. Review areas where weaknesses identified.

2010–02–11: Graphing inventory and vocabulary. Graphing skills inventory. Happy New Year! Homework: Responsibility for sections 5.1–5.4. Page 400, questions 21–47.

2010–02–09: Test 2 on equations (chapter 7). Cookies! (Thanks, Alice & Pirasan!) Homework: Review: pages 392–393. Work: pages 394–399. Exercises: pages 399–400, questions 1–20.

2010–02–05: Who gets voted off the Island? (To be an effective community of learners, everyone must contribute equally to our class wiki.) Introduction to slope, defined as follows: slope = rise ÷ run = Δy ÷ Δx = (y2 – y1) ÷ (x2 – x1). Test: Tuesday, 9 February 2009, on equations (chapter 7). Extra help: Monday, 8 February 2009, at lunch in room 219. Note: there’s an equations skills inventory available as a study aid. Homework: Review: pages 392–393. Work: pages 394–399. Exercises: pages 399–400, questions 1–20.

2010–01–21: Introduction to our class wiki. Posting of Chapter 7 review questions and model answers. Homework: Complete posting of questions and model answers. Ensure that TEL e-mail address is registered with Wikispaces.

2010–01–19: Chapter 7 review. Review of last week’s word problems. Note: Thursday’s class will be held in room 218. Homework: For each of sections 7.1 to 7.9, two questions suitable for block B or block C; and on a separate piece of paper, model answers to the questions.

2010–01–07/15: [Guest teacher.]

2010–01–05: Welcome back! Test review (knowledge & understanding). Self-assessment of deficiencies and individual improvement plan. Homework: Progress against individual improvement plan.

hand-drawn gift 'equation'

2009–12–18: Class party! Homework: Enjoy your holidays!

2009–12–16: Peer tutoring in chapter 7. Homework: Progress against chapter 7. Bring supplies for Friday’s party!

2009–12–14: Peer tutoring in chapter 7. Homework: Progress against chapter 7.

2009–12–10: Test 1: polynomials and scientific notation. Homework: Begin work in section 7.3.

2009–12–08: Homework review. Independent work on section 7.2. Reminder: Test 1 on polynomials and scientific notation: Thursday, 10 December. Homework: Prepare for test.

2009–12–04: Questions arising from polynomial review. Introduction to equations: the responsibility that comes with use of  = ; isolating variables with addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, squaring & taking the square root. Test 1 on polynomials and scientific notation: Thursday, 10 December. Homework: Responsibility for section 7.1: Solving equations using addition and subtraction.

2009–12–02: [Guest teacher.] Polynomial peer tutoring. Homework: Complete review of chapter 6.

2009–11–30: Polynomial peer tutoring. Homework: Identify issues in sections 6.1–6.11 for final review on Thursday.

2009–11–26: [Guest teacher.] Common factors and factoring of polynomials. Homework: Section 6.10, questions 1–42. Section 6.11, questions 1–31. Reminder: homework will be collected on Monday.

2009–11–24: Review: section 6.7, questions 57–59; section 6.8, question 47. Warning: Class must be on its best behaviour for guest teacher on Thursday. Homework: Review of sections 6.1–6.11.

2009–11–20: Quiz on polynomials. Return of quiz on scientific notation. Homework review. Homework: Responsibility assigned for sections 6.7, 6.8 & 6.9, blocks B. Review scientific notations and redo exercises if necessary.

2009–11–18: Collection of letters of apology and signed quizzes. Homework review. Distributive property of polynomials. Homework: Responsibility assigned for sections 6.7, 6.8 & 6.9, blocks A.

2009–11–16: Return and review of quiz on polynomials. Multiplication of polynomials. Section 6.6: Multiplying monomials by monomials. Homework: Complete page 317. Write letter of apology to Guest Teacher.

2009–11–12: [Guest teacher.] Quiz on polynomials: like & unlike terms and simplification. Homework: Read pages 307–308. Answer page 309, questions 5–31.

2009–11–10: New seating plan. Quiz on scientific notation. Introduction to polynomials: like and unlike terms, variables and constants, coefficients, classification, simplification, and expansion. Homework: Ensure completion of section 6.1, blocks A, B & C (this work was assigned previously). Section 6.2, blocks A & B.

2009–11–06: [Guest teacher.] Progress through sections 6.1.–6.11. (Advanced students are welcome to explore chapters 7 and 5.) Homework: Progress in chapter 6.

2009–11–04: [Take Our Kids to Work Day.] Progress through sections 6.1.–6.11. Homework: None assigned.

2009–11–02: International Erase Your Desk Day! Homework review. Homework: Read section 6.1, pages 298–300, and answer all block A questions, page 300.

2009–10–29: [Guest teacher.] Section 3.1: Scientific notation—large numbers. Reading and working of the introduction on pages 102–103, then answering all questions on page 103. (Advanced students continuing their work in chapter 7.) Homework: Complete any unfinished questions.

2009–10–27: Review of Quiz 4. Homework review. Introduction to scientific notation. Homework: Section 3.3, questions 1–29.

2009–10–23: Collection of Quiz 4. Review of Section 1.7: Powers with integral bases. Reminder of Homework Policy. Distribution of bookmarks. Homework: Chapter 6 chapter review, pp. 44–45, questions 1–86. Detentions on Monday for those who have not submitted all signed quizzes.

2009–10–21: [Guest teacher.] Return and review of Quiz 4. Section 1.7, Powers with integral bases: reading and working of pages 26–28; exercises 1–91. Homework: Get parent/guardian signature on returned quiz.

2009–10–19: Return and review of Quiz 3. Handout: Number sense and numeracy—required knowledge. Homework: Review list of required knowledge and plan appropriate action. Work proof of quiz’s rewrite question. Get parent/guardian signature on returned quiz.

2009–10–15: Homework review. The exponent laws. Homework: Students were assigned responsibility for sections 1.4 & 1.5 and the relevant questions of the Chapter Review and Chapter Check.

2009–10–13: Homework review. Return of homework. Distribution of Ontario Mathematics Challenge usernames and passwords. Very Important Fractions. Quiz 3. Homework: Read textbook pages 17–18. Answer questions 1–26, page 18. Log-in to Ontario Mathematics Challenge.

2009–10–08: Homework review. Return and review of Quiz 2. Distribution of Fractions 1, 2 & 3. Next class: quiz on integer arithmetic, fractions, and order of operations. Homework: Redo textbook questions relevant to upcoming quiz. Obtain parent/guardian signature on Quiz 2.

2009–10–06: Collection of signed quizzes. Homework review. Quiz 2: Fraction arithmetic. Homework: Page 45, questions 71–85.

2009–10–02: Homework collection (newspaper articles). Review of Green Power exercises. Return of quizzes (students with poor marks to attend extra help). Homework: Pages 34–35, even-numbered questions. (Students with perfect quiz scores to work through textbook sections 3.1 & 3.3—scientific notation for large and small numbers—instead.)

2009–09–30: Homework review. Quiz 1: Order of operations. Fractions: Green Power. Homework: Complete handout exercises. Find a newspaper article suitable for creating fractions questions; post the article’s title, newspaper’s title, and date on our wiki.

2009–09–28: [Guest teacher.] Students were to answer in their notebooks the following from their textbooks:

Homework: As assigned by Guest Teacher.

2009–09–24: Distribution of textbooks and TEL accounts. Homework: Chapter 1, Warm Up & Mental Math. Section 1.2, questions 1–20.

2009–09–22: Grade-9 Activity Day (no class held). Homework: None.

2009–09–18: Shana Tova! Homework collection. Integer arithmetic. Student creation of questions. Note: Extra help on Monday, 21 September, at 15h00 in room 219. Homework: Answer 50 questions: positive and negative addition and subtraction.

2009–09–16: Homework collection. Operations on fractions: addition and subtraction. Collection of digital information. Homework: On a common theme: four word problems requiring the addition of fractions and four word problems requiring the subtraction of fractions. On a separate sheet of paper: solutions to the eight word problems using this format: simple expression (or simple equation), simplification, conclusion.

2009–09–14: Questions arising. Five questions about fractions. Homework: On a common theme: four word problems requiring the multiplication of fractions and four word problems requiring the division of fractions. On a separate sheet of paper: solutions to the eight word problems using this format: simple expression (or simple equation), simplification, conclusion.

2009–09–10: Welcome to MPM1D1! Introduction to teacher and operation of class. Review of emergency procedures. Assessment of pre–grade-9 knowledge. Homework: Review with parent/guardian of class website, especially this Daily Log and the Homework Policy, Evaluation Policy, and Acceptable Use Policy. Join our wiki. (Please note: If you don’t follow the Wikispaces procedure for confirming your e-mail address, you won’t receive confirmation when your membership in accepted.)