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File I/O


  1. Just as Turing identifies GUI widgets by integer ID number, Turing identifies files by integer ID number.
  2. The open command instructs the computer to connect to a file and assign an ID number. If the computer is unable to connect to the file, it assigns a negative ID number.
  3. Programmers are obliged to check the connection every time they use the open command. If an error occurs, the message provided to the user should provide all of the information known about the error.
  4. Files can be opened with one or more of the following capabilities: get, put, read, write, seek, mod.
  5. As soon as practicable after opening a file, it should be closed with the close command. There is a limit of around 20 open files, and “to avoid exceeding this limit, a program that uses many files one after another should close files that are no longer in use” (Turing online reference manual).

Example 1: Hard-coded file name

const FILE := "data.text"
var inputFile : int
var inputLine : string

open : inputFile, FILE, get

if inputFile < 0 then
    put "*** Yikes! Could not open \"", FILE, "\"."
    % take appropriate action (see discussion below)
end if

get : inputFile, inputLine

Error recovery

Whenever the open command is used, there must be a sensible plan for recovery from a possible error. One possibility is to allow the user to correct the error; another is to gracefully terminate execution.

Example 2: User-provided file name

var fileName : string
var inputFile : int


   put "File to be opened? " ..
   get fileName : *
   open : inputFile, fileName, get
   exit when inputFile > 0
   put "*** Yikes! Could not connect to \"", fileName, "\"."
   put "    Please enter the correct file name.", skip

end loop

Not every file I/O program gathers a file name from the user; example 1 above uses a hard-coded file name. In some cases, it may be necessary to terminate execution of the subprogram (or main program) which fails to connect to a file.

Example 3: Early termination of a subprogram

procedure writeScoreToFile (score : int, scoreFile : string)

   var outputFile : int

   open : outputFile, scoreFile, put

   if outputFile < 0 then
      put "Error: was unable to write score to \"", scoreFile, "\"."
   end if

   put : outputFile, score

   close : outputFile

end writeScoreToFile

writeScoreToFile (100, "score.text") > Education Commons > Turing

[This page last updated 2020-12-23 at 12h13 Toronto local time.]